
From analysis to actions in seconds with Looker's data platform

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From analysis to actions in seconds with Looker’s data platform

A modern data platform that directly connects with your data warehouse is an excellent way of getting insights from your data. Once your data has been analysed, you might want to push your selections based on the analysis to the relevant marketing channels. In this blog, we will show you how this can be achieved using Looker.

Looker is a modern data platform and is a great choice for many use cases for analysis, reporting and dashboarding. Once you have created segments/cohorts you want to take immediate action. To be able to do that, you want to target an individual group of customers with a dedicated message that would certainly increase their engagement with your business. You start analysing your data and end up with a selection of contacts.  

In an ideal case, you would want to push these data selections to your marketing channels automatically and report on the results afterwards. But the thing is, it might not always be possible with your current business intelligence tool.

And so you end up extracting the data manually from your data analysis platform to your marketing automation tool(s) and back. You repeat that process regularly, every time new selections are needed.

The good news is, there is a more efficient way to do it, and it is now available to everyone with Looker.

From analysis to actions in seconds with Looker’s data platform

Looker allows you to send out data to a variety of third-party applications such as Selligent, Marketo, Zendesk or Hubspot. With Looker Actions integration, you can have a complete workflow between data analysis and marketing activation. 

Let’s look at how this would work in a real-life scenario.

Imagine you want to identify a segment of new users who have been active on your website at least once in the last month but have not purchased anything. You would like to send these individuals a welcome gift to receive with their first purchase. 

To start with, you create your selection in Looker. Your report needs to include the correct ID, which could be an email or the user_id. Your user cohort can then be sent to Actions via an API key and this action can be scheduled to occur regularly or as a one-off.

Crystalloids can tell you all about it from data preparation to pushing the segments into your channels.

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Looker is a unified data platform that delivers actionable business insights to employees at the point of decision. Looker integrates data into the daily workflows of users to allow organizations to extract value from data at web-scale. Over 1700 industry-leading and innovative companies such as Sony, Amazon, The Economist, IBM, Spotify, Etsy, Lyft and Kickstarter have trusted Looker to power their data-driven cultures. 

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